1·Particularly in this time of giving, our thoughts turn to fellow citizens who face hardship, or illness, or loneliness.
2·Zhang, however, decided to face up to the hardship, and not let the fate (命运) control his life.
3·A new international study has warned that millions of people dependent on fisheries in Africa, Asia and South America could face unprecedented hardship as a consequence of climate change.
4·It wasn't just the struggles of these men and women that had moved me. Rather, it was their determination, their self-reliance, a relentless optimism in the face of hardship.
5·Paralleling the story of the St Louis is Karl's own voyage of discovery in which he falls in love for the first time and, in the face of hardship, becomes a man.
6·The article gives the mistaken impression that many competent workers who lost jobs as a result of downsizing face serious economic hardship, often for years, before finding other suitable employment.
7·If you really want to love your existence again, imagine having a different one that is filled with the kinds of hardship that hundreds of thousands of people face every single day.
8·Since then it has become more apparent how many lives might have been lost, what hardship survivors are enduring, and what peril they face from the risk of a deadly nuclear disaster.
9·In the face of our common dangers, in this winter of our hardship, let us remember these timeless words.
10·For the audience, this is the fantasy world they 9 yearn for, 10 whisking them away from the hardship they face every day and transporting them to a perfect world.